Planning Board member Kendra Dickinson outed as the individual behind string of fake Facebook and email accounts
Residents uncovered that the source of a string of anonymous Facebook Messages, including social media messages accusing the chair of the Planning Board of "hiding something," is another Planning Board member, Kendra Dickinson.
For the past year or so Lancaster volunteers on a number of boards have received large public records requests for their emails. In some cases, two years of emails at a time like this one to a member of the Tax Fairness Committee:
Even in appeals to the Attorney General, “The Crew” remained anonymous:
Ultimately, residents caught the trail in December when a message
appeared from a fishy Facebook berating the Chair of the Planning Board, Frank
Streeter, about a slow reply to a records request.
A new Facebook user, “Lisa King,” posted:
It was all a bit suspicious. The post was from
a new Facebook user, “Lisa King”, but all the replies got a like from fellow
Planning Board member Kendra Dickinson.
Residents examined the “Lisa King” facebook
account. Using the “I forgot my password” feature revealed
that the account was opened with "":
Knowing that Lisa King and “The Crew” are one and the same, the question turned to “who’s behind The Crew?” When you ask to send a password reminder for a Gmail account, it verifies your identity by asking you to enter the cell phone number linked to the account: for “” it asks for a cellphone number ending in “46.”